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the lake in a boat. As soon as we had put the things in Pfannstiehls cottage we went hunting. Over back of Messingers we saw a male Black-throated Blue Warbler. It acted like a Redstart and I thought was one at first. It soon disappeared and we went on. Two Red-tailed Hawks sailed out of the woods ahead and circled away. The woods were full of Olive-backed Thrushes. I looked at every one I saw trying to find one with greyish lores. They were very hard to get a good look at as after a 

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moments pause they would fly on before I could get close enough for a good view. Once or twice I heard their callnote.

Field Sparrows were also quite thick. Their only note was a faint [[underlined]]tsu[[/underlined]]. I had not seen any for some time.

There were a few White-throated Sparrows and Purple Finches around but they were rather ^[[more]] retiring than otherwise.

Olive backed Thrushes flew up from the ground near every little clump of trees and I saw one Hermit

Transcription Notes:
"Lores" = region between the eyes and nostrils of birds, reptiles, and amphibians.