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the pursued went off. The pursuer lighting in a field after it had been joined by the singer.

A flock of Prairie Horned Larks flew over accompanied by two American Pipits. Bluebirds also were flying, Some calling turwee and others singing each according to its temperament probably; One saying it was fall and another spring.

After Breakfast I went over in Tim Hacketts Sheep-pasture. Just as I entered the first grove

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a wave of migrants seemed to pass through towards the south. There were Golden and Ruby crowned Kinglets and Myrtle Warblers. The woods were silent one minute and the next were full of tiny flitting forms. They seemed in a hurry to be going. It was cloudy and this may account for it as enemies would not be so liable to see them. The Kinglets gave a [[underline]]tsit[[/underlined]] note on the wings. They fought with each other with loudly snapping bills but as far as I I