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The birds in a pair always kept near one another.

December 25, Thursday

This morning a started out to take a bird census. It was cold and windy and was altogether a very poor day. However I secured ten species and [[86?]] individuals.
Bobwhite 10
Ruffed Grouse 1
Hairy Woodpecker 1
Downy Woodpecker 1
Bluejay 1
Pine Siskin 38.
Tree Sparrow 5
Junco 3
White-breasted Nuthatch 4

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Chicadee 2

The Downy Woodpecker was very tame. It let come up to four feet of it before it flew. The biting cold seems to take the sense of fear out of all birds.

December 29, Monday.

This morning I went over to the Hemlock Bluffs. It was warm and sunny. My first bird was Bluejay across from the Plum Orchard. I was walking on the ice with my head down;
[[erased words]] thinking when I heard a slight noise and looking up saw it pecking at a bunch of leaves. Until I raised my ^[[head]] it paid no more attention to me than it