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would to a cow or sheep though only about fifteen feet away. But with that quick movement it recognised my true character and flew hurriedly into a farther tree.

I saw no more birds until I reached the Hemlocks. I came up to the rail fence I heard a Purple Finch and there was a flock of about 35 of them. I seated myself on the fence and they all came into the trees around to have a look at me. They seemed to be full of curiosity but it was soon satisfied and they

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disappeared over the edge of the rocks by ones and twos. They lit close to me and were not afraid while I sat still but when I moved they flew off only to return the minute my back was turned. I cannot imagine why they are here. Never before have I seen them in winter. They stayed very late though The last ^[[fall]] one being seen December one and one was seen November thirty.

Some Bluejays began to call and they all began to stream back over the rocks calling softly. Nothing of interest seemed to be doing however for they