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female immediately followed him. They showed no fear but a movement on my part generally started the male gesticulating. Their wings purred loudly in flight.

The Bluejays here mocked a Red-tailed Hawk for the first time to my knowledge this winter. Perhaps they were publishing the arrival of the one I saw. Or maybe the sight of it started old memories of its call.

Near Seeley Creek I saw a  flock of about fifty Goldfinches on the wings. They must have been migrants.

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March 13, Friday.

This morning before breakfast I went down in Bonnell's Woods.

Tree Sparrows were quite thick in the Brushpiles. They like to feed with the Juncoes on little slopes. As they flew up in front of me I noticed a few with red about them in flight and suspected Song Sparrow but they skulked so that I could not get the glass on one. At last I surprised a [[underlined]]chimp[[/underlined]] from a brushpile and was satisfied. Later I heard them singing.