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After breakfast I went over to the Hemlocks to work on the cabin.

By the Railroad Bridge was a male English Sparrow. I can see that they will be spread out worse than ever this year.

Heard a Song Sparrow give a loud clear song like [[underline]] he her he hay tsip tsip tsip-i-ti [[/underline]] several times.
Birds were very thick around the Hemlocks. Heard a Flicker calling from across the river. Song, Fox and Tree Sparrows, Juncoes and Bluebirds were singing incessantly while Purple Finches roamed [[end page]]
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around giving their strange calls and occasionally singing

Two Canada Geese flew over calling occasionally. They seemed bewildered and had probably been lost from a flock during the night. They came as close as any Geese I have seen yet. They tried to make headway against the wind and finally did so going off toward the mill pond. A Winter Wren bobbed up onto a stump and [[underline]] chimped [[/underline]] at me. During the day I heard them continually and I think that there were several. It is an ideal place for