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Tonight after supper I went down in the fields. The Kingfisher I looked for in the morning flew out of some grape vines in the old pasture. I might have known it would be there if any where.

The Song Sparrows here were very thick and had a great divergence in the pitch and tone of their songs.


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April 1, Wednesday.

This morning after breakfast I started for the Hemlocks Bluffs to work on the Cabin. By Alder Swamp a flock of about a dozen Quail picking up gravel on the railroad track. In town near the warehouse I picked a Ruffed Grouse that had been evidently run over by a train while doing the same thing. One of the Quail flew across a ditch and ran so fast without pausing that it still seemed flying.

By the bridge a Bluejay flew past giving a note like [[underined]]pe-lert-a-kul[[/underlined]]. It flew