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feeding on various seeds and looked quickly from one side to the other keeping watch. A Song Sparrow sitting about thirty feet away flew over and struck it savagely in the back without any provocation whatever. The Field Sparrow lit in the bushes for an instant and then went back to its feeding as unconcerned as ever. The Song Sparrow sang as though proud of himself and I went on.

A male Cowbird lit in the tops of several tall trees and then flew down to the ground to feed. He gave a note like [[underlined]] e-i-i ftsu [[/underlined]], It walked around with a nervous active manner.

A dull looking woodpecker lit on a tree in front of me

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and the glass showed him to be a most gorgeous bird with striking colors. It was the first one of the year.

Ruby-crowned Kinglets were hunting through the woods near the Half Moon with golden crowns. Both species sang and the Rubys of course had the best of it.

Heard an American Sparrow calling over towards Udell's. A great Horned Owl flew up and I followed it. It came flying back with a low [[underlined]] who who [[/underlined]]and a long [[underlined]] whoooo [[/underlined]] to see what I was doing. It lit for an instant and then flew on over to the woods and began to hoot.