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Two Tree Sparrows lit in the top of the oak and sang the full song. It was the most finished and beautiful song I have heard from them. It was given in a wild ringing tone like [[underlined]]wheets a wheets a whuv sweet sweet [[/underlined]] and then a trill at the end.

Saw a Robin in True's yard picking up nesting material. Bronzed Grackle were walking around nervously on various lawns. They flew at the slightest motion towards them.

At last I have discovered what the Sparrows want around the Yellow-bellied Woodpecker's drinking fountain. There were eight or ten of them and the sat in little

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crotches or fluttered against the tree to drink the sap that ran down.

The woodpecker made short sallies after insects.

April 9, Thursday.

This morning the Robin's nest in True's yard was nearly ready for the mud lining.

April 11, Saturday.

This morning it was raining. I went over to the Hemlocks after some flowers. A Cooper's Hawk flew around scolding [[underlined]] Kek-Kek-Kek-Kek-Kek [[/underlined]]. It was near its last years nest and never left the small patch of woods.