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They gave their call-notes continuously. Insects were caught with a snap of the bill. The song was pleasing rippling Warbler of rather an uncertain character.

In the Hackberry pasture I saw a single Sparrow Hawk flying. It set its wings and sailing to the top of a tree alighted gracefully and pumped its tail several times. The nesting tree was cut down last winter but I hope they will stay here.

Two female Cowbirds came flying towards a tree in a male was sitting. He flew out to meet them and circling around came back in graceful sailing curve. Two males came

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by chasing two females. They wheeled and turned around and one [[^male]] passing close to the others mate fell to chasing her while the other took after the bird the first had abandoned. This goes to show the weakness of the conjugal instinct.

The Palm Warblers became much excited at the passing of a mink through the grass and several worked up closer to me. They fed along in the grass now jumping up in the air after an insect and now flying a short distance taking a bug from a stick maybe on the way. They were not so active as the other Dendroica. Frequently they sat still looking around for a minute until