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Brown Creeper

White-breasted Nuthatch

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February 14, Sunday

[[strikethrough]] 71 [[/strikethrough]] Sitta carolinensis. A Wetmore, Half Moon Woods, A. Wetmore  iris brown. bill upper mandible and tip of lower black, rest white.  Tarsus black.  Length 5 3/4 wing 3 3/4 tail 1 3/4 [[female symbol]] ad.  stomach contents insects & larvae. (destroyed by fire.)

This morning after breakfast, I went over in the Half Moon Woods.  It was quite cold.  I laid around hoping to get a shot at a Brown Creeper with my collecting pistol.  I was just ready to start home when I heard one call.  I had a hard time locating it & when I did missed it four times.  It did not seem at all afraid but was very hard to keep track of as it only called occasionally.  Finally it went across the track and I lost it.  Then I shot a nuthatch with much gray on the head.  The other came around and called and scolded while it looked for its mate - another proof for my theory that they remain mated throughout the year.  certainly not as many mating ^[[actions]] are gone through in the spring as the young show in July and August.  The males however sing.

February 20, Saturday

[[strikethrough]] 72 [[/strikethrough]] Cyanocitta cristata.  A. Wetmore.  Old Pasture, North Freedom, Wis., iris brown. bill dull black. tarsus and claws black.  Length 11 1/4, wing 5 5/8. tail 5 1/4.  [[male symbol]] ad.  stomach contents pieces of acorn and sand.  (destroyed by fire)

[[strikethrough]] 73 [[/strikethrough]] Spizella monticola. A. Wetmore. Old Pasture. North Freedom, Wis.,  iris reddish brown. bill dusky, basal half of lower mandible yellow.  tarsus & claws reddish black. Length 6. wing 3. tail 2 1/2. [[male symbol]] im.  stomach contents weed seeds (destroyed by fire)