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Bohemian Waxwing

Prairie Horned Lark.

American Goshawk

Northern Shrike


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February 29, Monday.

This morning in Baraboo a Bohemian Waxwing flew over my head to the east with a low [[underlined]] tseep [[/underlined]]. This is the second one I ever saw. It came before a snow-storm. 

March 6. Sunday.

This morning it was cloudy and rather chilly.  Went down along the river. Not much doing. A few Crows and Bluejays flying around and an occasional Prairie Horned Lark. Crows have been coming everyday to some entrails left by the butcher near the Old Pasture. I set a steel trap but they would not come near it.  Across from the Hemlock Bluffs I saw where an American Goshawk and caught and eaten two Quail. It must have been the hawk. Two pairs of wings and feet lay together as if both had been caught at once.

In the Alder Swamp I heard a Bluejay like note and traced it to a Northern Shrike.  It sounded something like a toy trumpet.  The bird seemed much excited and hopped around excitedly calling musically and harshly or flying from one tree to another with its queer buzzing flight.  Then it became quiet and sat in a tree.  They always seem to have a peculiar knowing look when on the watch.

March. 8, Tuesday.

This morning as I lay in bed I heard a Bluebird fly over the house singing.  This was the first one of the year.  Art Rudy said he saw one March 2 down the track.