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Tree Sparrow



Red-tailed Hawk

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plumage.  There were about a dozen Tree Sparrows and four or five Juncoes. 

Then we went over near Donaghey's Berry Patch.  Here was the first real spring like movement or at any rate it seemed [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] felt more springlike.  A flock of about fifty Tree Sparrows were spread out over the hillside feeding.  They sang very sweetly and chased each other around. 

Here were also about twenty Redpolls. spread out with the Tree Sparrows only they fed in the weed tops rather than on[[strikethrough]]e[[/strikethrough]] the ground as the Sparrows did.  They were feeding on catnip and thistle seeds.  I shot and got two females.  Then two or three very brilliant males appeared and I shot at one securing two males and another bird in dull plumage.  The males were very pretty.  The flock seemed loth to leave.  The males sat in trees and on stumps singing.  They came close but when we moved timidly flew on farther. 

To add to the chorus a Robin began to call and on top of the hill [[overwritten]]in [[/overwritten]] a field were two Bluebirds.  One sat in the top of a tree giving the fallnote while the other hunted on the ground.  After a little it began singing. 

A large Hawk sailed down with set wings behind some Pines and immediately some Crows began to call excitedly.  We sneaked along under cover of some bushes and saw two Red-tails seated in a tree.  We sat down and soon both flew toward us but just before coming into range flew off in another direction. They circled around going higher and higher and