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White-throated Sparrow
Least Flycatcher

Palm Warbler

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White-throated Sparrows here and Catbirds were numerous. 

In the farther end were a couple of Least Flycatchers in the tree.  They gave notes like [[underlined]] whit whit [[/underlined]] and I thought they might be Acadians and shot one.  They were very sprightly.

Heard a NightHawk somewhere but failed to locate it.

By the slough a Palm Warbler flew up into a tree and sat there wagging it tail until I shot it.

In Seeley's Marsh were a number of Long & Short-billed Marsh Wrens.  They would fly a few feet and then disappear in the long grass occasionally give a sharp note.  They almost let me walk on them before they flew.  I tried to drive one out to shoot it but was unable to flush it although I saw exactly where it lit and walked all around.

There were two Soras in the end nearest the river.  I secured one.  They flew up with a slow flight and hanging feet.  It seems almost impossible that they should migrate for long distances].

May 7. This morning it rained until about 10 oclock and when it stopped I went over in the River Woods.  By the Ponds along the track I scared up a Green Heron but used too light a load and did not get it.  It flew up and lit in the trees but a handcar kept scaring it along farther and farther until I lost it.

Warblers were rather thick.  They kept high up in the trees generally.  They sang quite a little.  Redstarts were the most numerous and Ceruleans were fairly common.  Heard two Golden-winged Warblers.  They were very restless as I noted last spring.  I saw a Chipping Sparrow hopping along a log and shot it thinking it was some kind of a Ground Warbler.