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seem to be nesting. A pair of Wood Ducks were also seen and in a muskrat house were some of their feathers.

In the  Marsh Yellow-headed Blackbirds were numerous. I saw a number of fully-fledged young with golden-brown heads and Stout found a newly finished nest. The nest was woven of coarse material but was beautiful it was about 3 feet from the water in the edge of the Willd rice.

We found one nest near the water and waited for an hour for the owner to come back and although she kept within ten or twelve feet we could not see her from the notes however there is no doubt that it was a Florida Gallinule.

A number of Black Terns were seen flying gracefully about and Stout shot one.  [[strikethrough]] In the [[/strikethrough]]

In the shallow water along the edge of the marsh I flushed a male Least Bittern and began to search for its nest.  Suddenly at my feet I saw what I took to be a young one but on picking it up despite its firm[[strikethrough]]s[[/strikethrough]] grip on the grass I found it was an adult female.  It stood with its breast turned towards me and its bill pointing straight up in the air.  That was the first time that I ever picked up an adult live bird that was unhurt in my hands.  Mr. Skavlem informed me that he had done so a numb