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306. Mniotilta varia

307. Chaetura pelagica

308. Melospiza cinerea melodia

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North Freedom, Wis, iris drab, bill greenish black. tarsus greenish yellow. Length 8 1/4 wing 5 1/8 tail 2 3/16. [[male symbol]] ad. stomach contents insects.

This morning Art Rudy and I went over to the Millpond. Solitary Sandpipers were very thick. We saw them everywhere. Killdeer were also very thick. there was one flock of about twenty-five.  The Solitaries were frequently seen wading in the water where it was over the bars. They probed for insects in the soft mud with their bills. The mud was covered all over with Sandpiper tracks. They all seemed to feed together peaceably. The Killdeer frequently and the Solitaries sometimes squatted and thus escaped observation until I was quite close when they would stand up and run off or else fly.

At one place I saw one that looked different on a bar and when I secured it found it was a Pectoral Sandpiper . I

July 28 Thursday.

306. Mniotilta varia. A. Wetmore. Dam at Millpond, North Freedom, Wis, iris drab. maxilla & tip of mandible black. rest rosy slate. tarsus slaty black. Length 4 15/16 wing 2 5/8 tail 1 13/16 [[female symbol]] im. stomach contents insects.

307. Chaetura pelagica. A. Wetmore. Seils' corner, North Freedom, Wis, iris brown. bill black. tarsus rosy. Length 5 3/16 wing 5 1/4 tail 1 3/4 [[male symbol]] im. stomach contents insects.

308. Melospiza cinerea melodia. A. Wetmore, Millpond. North Freedom, Wis, iris brown. culmen black. rest of bill