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317. Tringa minutilla

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317. Tringa minutilla. A. Wetmore, Millpond, North Freedom, Wis, iris drab. bill black. tarsus greenish drab. Length 5 1/2 wing 3 1/2 tail 1 1/2. [[male symbol]] im. stomach contents insects.

This morning about half past five I started for the Millpond.  On the way I saw a number of Bobolinks in an outfield presumably feeding they kept up a continual string of low notes which sounded almost like a twittering song.

At Hanger's I went down to the spring for a drink and there stood a Great Blue Heron looking at me.  I shot and killed it dead.  I had to wade to get it and nearly froze.  It was just alive with lice and while carrying it and skinning it they crawled all over.  There were not many sandpipers on the pond as a rain had raised the water so as to cover all the [[strikethrough]] loo [[/strikethrough]] mud-banks.  The Spotted frequently alighted on logs and ran up & down calling excitedly.  They were rather wild.  Shot a Least in immature plumage.  It was a fine one.  Another lit beside it before I got to[[strikethrough]]o[[/strikethrough]] it to see what was the matter.  All of them in the early morning flew in zigzags as though catching insects which could not have been the case however.  Saw a single yellowlegs.  It circled awhile but did not light and refused to be called up.

I saw Kingfishers dive several times.  The young gave a peculiar harsh grating call while being fed.