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318 Coccyzus americanus

319 Tyrannus tyrannus

320 Melospiza cinerea melodia

321 Seiurus Motacilla

322 Pipilo erythrophthalmus

323 Coccyzus erythrophthalmus

324 Vireo flavifrons

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August 3, Wednesday

318.Coccyzus erythropthalmus. A. Wetmore. Rick's Pasture, 
North Freedom, Wis, iris brown. maxilla & tip of mandible black
rest of bill light slate. space below eye dull green ring around
eye red. Tarsus dark slate. Length 11 1/8 wing 5 3/8 tail 5 1/2 [[male symbol]] ad. stomach contents large green worms.

319 Tyramnus tyramnus A. Wetmore, Egerer's pasture, North Freedom, Wis, iris brown, bill black. tarsus black. Length 1 3/4 wing 4 5/7 tail 3 5/16 [[male symbol]] ad. stomach contents insects.
320. Melospiza cinerea melodia, A. Wetmore. Half Moon, North Freedom, Wis, iris drab brown. Maxilla & sides of Mandible, dusky brown. rest yellowish white. tarsus flesh color. Length 5 1/2 wing 2 9/16 tail 2 5/8 [[female symbol]]im. Stomach contents insects.

321 Seinrus Motacilla. A. Wetmore, Half Moon Woods, North Freedom, Wis iris brown. Maxilla & tip of mandible black, rest of bill dull brown. tarsus flesh color. Length 6 wing 3 1/4 tail 2 [[male symbol]]im. Stomach contents insects.

322. Pipilo erythrophthalmus. A Wetmore. Rick's pasture North Freedom, Wis, iris reddish maxilla black. Mandible a little paler. tarsus flesh color. Length 7 6/8 wing 3 1/2 tail 3 7/16 [[female symbol]] ad. Stomach contents insects.

323. Coccyzus erythrophthalmus. A. Wetmore. Rick's pasture, North Freedom, Wis, iris brown. Maxilla & tip of Mandible black. rest light slate. lower eyelid dull green. rest of space around eye red. tarsus dark slate. Length 11 1/2 wing 5 7/16 tail 6 1/16 [[male symbol]] ad. Stomach contents grandfather longlegs.

324. Vireo flavifrons, A. Wetmore. Half Moon, North Freedom,

Transcription Notes:
Edited - nwmath