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326. Colinus virginianus
327. Empidonax minimus

328. Contopus virens

329 Sayornis phoebe

330. Sialia sialis



Song Sparrow

Black-billed Cuckoo

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wing 3 3/4 tail 1 3/4 [[female symbol]] im. stomach contents. seeds.

327. Empidonax minimus. A. Wetmore. Old Pasture, North Freedom, Wis, iris drab. maxilla black. tip of mandible horn. base flesh color. tarsus black. Length 5 1/16 wing 2 1/2 tail 2 [[male symbol]] ad. stomach contents. insects.

328. Contopus virens. A. Wetmore. Fullmer's pasture, North Freedom, Wis, iris dark brown. maxilla black. mandible dark flesh color with two divergent bluish lines running from tip nearly to end of gonys. tarsus black. Length 5 7/8 wing 3 3/8 tail 2 5/16 [[male symbol]] ad. stomach contents. insects.

329. Sayornis phoebe. A. Wetmore. Fiske's pasture, North Freedom, Wis, iris dull brown. bill black. tarsus black. Length 6 1/8 wing 3 3/8 tail 2 9/16 [[female symbol]] im. stomach contents. insects.

320. Sialia sialis. A. Wetmore, Fiske's pasture, North Freedom, Wis, iris brown. bill black. gape yellow. tarsus black. Length 6 wing 4 1/16 tail 2 5/16. [[male symbol]] ad. stomach contents insects.

This morning after breakfast I went down in the fields. Near the river a Phoebe was flycatching along a fence. It flew along in front for a ways and finally I shot it.

Near Seeley's March I flushed a bunch of nearly grown Quail. They came up with a great racket and I dropped one. There were a number of Bobolinks in the marsh and Song Sparrow were scattered all through a weedy field.

Tonight about 10:45 I heard several Black-billed Cuckoos flying over. they gave the characteristic [[underlined]] Cluck-uk [[/underlined]].