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Louisiana Water-Thrush

343. Seiurus noveboracensis

344  Melanerpes carolinus

345  Setophaga ruticilla

346. Trochilus colubris

347. Contopus virens

348. Ardea Herodias

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Louisiana Water Thrushes feeding in the rocks. The males sang. These birds are getting more common and must be migrating. In the early morning I sometimes see them flying over town.

August 15, Monday

343. Seiurus noveboracensis, A. Wetmore, Half Moon Woods, North Freedom, Wis, iris drab brown, bill, maxilla black, mandible dark brown, tarsus light brown. Length 5 7/16 wing 2 15/16 tail 1 3/4 ♂ ad. stomach contents insects.

344. Melanerpis carolinus, A. Wetmore, Half Moon Woods, North Freedom, Wis, iris light red, maxilla black. mandible a little lighter base slate. tarsus slaty blue. Length 9 wing 5 1/4 tail 2 7/8 ♀ ad. Stomach contents large insects.

345. Setophaga ruticilla. A. Wetmore, Half Moon Woods, North Freedom, Wis, iris drab. Maxilla brownish black, Mandible dull brown. tarsus dull brown, Length 5 7/8 wing 2 7/16 tail 2 ♀ im. stomach contents insects

346. Trochilus Colubris, A. Wetmore, Half Moon Woods, North Freedom, Wis, iris drab bill black, tarsus brown, Length 3 9/16 wing 1 11/16 tail 1 ♀ ad Stomach contents insects.

347. Contopus virens. A. Wetmore, Half Moon Woods, North Freedom, Wis, iris dull brown. maxilla black. tip of mandible lighter base yellow. tarsus black. Length 5 5/8 wing 3 5/16 tail 2 5/16 ♂ im Stomach contents insects.

348. Ardea herodias. H. Parkhurst, Slough near Mine track, North Freedom, Wis, iris yellow. Maxilla black, mandible yellow space around eye and to nostril yellow, rest black. tarsus

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