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Grasshopper sparrow (con.)

Spizella pallida

Grasshopper sparrow.

351. Hylocichla fuscescens

352 Mniotilta varia

353. Oporornis philadelphia

354. Empidonax flaviventris

355. Wilsonia canadensis-

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I was struck by a great difference in their bills and on looking it up found that my other specimens were Spizella pallida. The Grasshopper Sparrow looked very light colored and showed white on the tail in flight. It lit in a bush and immediately tried to hide.

August 17, Wednesday

351. Hylocichla fuscescens. A. Wetmore, Tamarack Swamp was near Half Moon, North Freedom, Wis, iris drab. Maxilla & tip of mandible dark brown. rest of bill flesh color. tarsus flesh color, bluish line down front. Length 6 7/8 wing 4 tail 2 1/2 [[male symbol]] im. stomach contents. Ripe gooseberries. 

352. Mniotilta varia.  A. Wetmore, Tamarack Swamp near Half Moon, North Freedom, Wis. iris dark slate. Maxilla & tip of mandible fuscuous, rest flesh color, tarsus very dark slate. Length 4 3/4 wing 2 5/8 tail 1 3/4 [[male symbol]] [[strikethrough]] ad [[/strikethrough]] im. stomach contents insects.

353. [[strikethrough]] Helmonthophila rubrucapilla [[/strikethrough]] Oporornis philadelphia. A. Wetmore Tamarack Swamp near Half Moon, North Freedom, Wis. iris dark brown. Maxilla dark brown. tip of mandible tinged with same. rest flesh color. tarsus brownish flesh color. Length 4 7/8 wing 2 3/8 tail 1 7/8 [[female symbol]] im. stomach contents insects.

354. Empidonax flaviventris. A. Wetmore.
Tamarack Swamp near Half Moon, North Feedom, Wis, iris fuscuous. maxilla black. mandible dull flesh color with two faint lines along sides of gonys meeting near the tip. tarsus. slaty black.  Length 5 1/4  wing 2 3/4 tail 2 1/8 [[male symbol]] im. stomach contents insects
355. Wilsonia canadensis.  A. Wetmore, Tamarack Swamp near
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Transcription Notes:
Checked species names - nwmath