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357 Porzana carolina.

358 Passerculus sandwichensis savanna 

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A Woodcock jumped up out of the grass but I did not get a shot. It flew a long ways over toward Udell's Marsh. 

I stood around in the Swamp for a long time identifying the birds as they came and occasionally moving a little. It was a pretty good place as the trees were not high. 

On the railroad track I found [[strikethrough]] A Sora [[/strikethrough]] a Sora that had evidently been struck by a train. Art Rudy also showed me one. They probably flew into a headlight at night. 

Tonight I went down in the fields after a Night Hawk. I shot at one and think I hit it but I could not find it. A Sora flew out of some grass and lit in plain sight and sat there looking at me for a minute and then went on when I moved. 

August 18, Thursday.

357. Porzana carolina. A. Wetmore. Seeley's Marsh, North Freedom, Wis, iris drab maxilla & tip of mandible greenish space behind nostril and rest of mandible dull yellow. tarsus dull green. Length 7 3/4 wing 4 1/16 Tail 1 7/8 [[female symbol]] im. stomach contents seeds. 

358. [[strikethrough]] Melospiza Lincolnii [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Passerculus sandwichensis savanna]]. A Wetmore. Seeley's marsh, North Freedom, Wis, iris drab brown. Maxilla brown. tip of gonys slate. rest of bill dark flesh color. tarsus flesh color. Length 4 3/4 wing 2 3/4 tail 1 3/4 [[female symbol]] im. stomach contents insects.