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Scarlet Tanager. Vireo

Broad-winged Hawk

Scarlet Tanager.

Chestnut-sided Warbler
Yellow-billed Flycatcher

Black & White Warbler
Canadian Warbler

375 Podilymbus podiceps

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This morning I went over in the Half Moon Woods. Heard some Scarlet Tanagers and Vireos making a great fuss near the [[strikethrough]] Half M [[/strikethrough]] Tamarack Swamp and went over there. A ^[[Broad winged]] Hawk up a few feet away and lit. It bent over and peered at me. I shot it with a charge of No. 12 shot. It was a Broad-wing and a very handsome specimen.

I also shot one of the Tamagers. It was moulting and was peculiarly marked with red and yellow. They were anxious even after I killed the Hawk. I also got two immature Chestnut sided Warblers out of a mixed flock. In the swamp I shot a Yellow-bellied Flycatcher but could not find it.
Saw a number Black & White & Canadian Warblers. The latter seemed to have long tails which made them conspicuous. They were quite tame but kept pretty well under cover.

August 22, Monday

375. Podilymbus Podiceps. A. Wetmore Hanger's Point, Millpond, North Freedom. Wis. iris horn brown, culmen brown, rest of maxilla shading from pale cinnamon [strikethrough] at base of no [[/strikethrhough]] below nostril to isabella brown at base. Sides of mandible, hair brown. rest dull flesh color. Tarsus greenish slate on inside black on outside. Toes greenish slate with webs and median line black. Length 13 7/8 Wing 5 5/8 Tail 1 5/8 [[male symbol]] ad. Stomach contents feathers from own body.

Transcription Notes:
isabella brown = isabelline, "pale grey-yellow, pale fawn, pale cream-brown or parchment colour."-nwmath