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Tennessee Warbler.

Ceruleon Warbler

Golden-winged Warbler


397. Spizella pusilla

398. Spizella pusilla

399. Spizella socialis

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the leaves were all in motion. I got one [[strikethrough]] Pine [[/strikethrough]] Tennessee Warbler. It crept out on the tip of a limb just a little ways off paying no attention to me whatever. The only ones that sang were the Redstarts and a Single Cerulean. And these only did so fitfully. There seemed to be quite a few Golden-winged Warblers present. They kept rather high up and gave a note like [[underlined]] tseet  [[/underlined]] occasionally. I shot three all entirely different. I have an idea that they were working southward but the motion of the trees precluded any observation. I would catch sight of a bird just for an instant, and then it would be gone among the leaves. They chased each other around some. 

August 26 Friday

397. Spizella pusilla. A. Wetmore, Mines track at Slough North Freedom, Wis, iris brown. bill reddish brown. tarsus pale brown. Length 5 5/8 wing 2 5/8 tail 2 5/8 [[male symbol]] ad. stomach contents seeds. 

398. Spizella pusilla. A. Wetmore. Mines track at Slough, North Freedom, Wis iris brown. bill reddish. brown tarsus pale brown. Length 5 3/8 wing 2 1/2 tail 2 1/2 [[female symbol]] im stomach contents seeds.

399. Spizella socialis. A. Wetmore. Mines track at Slough North Freedom, Wis, iris brown. maxilla dark brown rest of bill pale buffy. tarsus hair brown. Length 5 5/8 wing 3 7/8 tail 2 1/4 [[male symbol]] im stomach contents seeds.