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Green-winged Teal (con.)

Myrtle Warbler

Savanna Sparrow

Rusty Blackbird


Marsh Wren

Nelson Sparrow

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me like a shot and dropped in the river. I went over and got one but missed with the second barrel. It floated down the river a long ways looking as if it was alive with its head held up. The others were out of sight almost instantly. 

By the slough were a great number of Myrtle Warblers. They called all the while and were searching along through all the weeds & bush piles. Occasionally one flew over with a note like [[underlined]] tseet [[/underlined]].

Here I also shot three Savanna Sparrows. I got two at once and all three were sitting on a wire fence. I saw one or two others in the weeds. They looked dark when they flew. They kept out of sight pretty well.

In Petske's cornfield I saw some ^[[insertion]] Rusty [[/insertion]] Blackbirds running heedlessly about a few feet away. They were very quick and would not fly up where I could see them but after going a few feet dropped back to the ground.  finally I shot one between the rows. Later I shot another on the wing and saw a number more. They were flying around all the while or else sat in the trees singing.

I shot a large Duck in Dickies Marsh but lost it. I saw it trying to hide among some grass. It held its head near the water.

Coming back I kept scaring up Marsh Wrens all the while. I also saw several Soras. Finally a Sparrow with a queer looking head flew up with the usual up and down flight and I shot it. It proved to be the Nelson Sparrow and was a great surprise. It was so curiously marked as to seem unreal. Scared up two more but only found one. They