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567. Carpodacus purpureus

568. Otocoris alpestris practicola

569 Otocoris alpestris practicola
^[[Sent to CB Linton Los Angeles Calif 11/10/07]]

Tree Sparrow

Lapland Longspur

Crossbill  Evening Grosbeak
Pine Grosbeak
Pine Siskin

Purple Finch

Barred Owl
Golden-crowned Kinglet.

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November 5, Saturday.

567. Carpodacus purpureus. A. Wetmore. Hemlock Bluffs, North Freedom, Wis. iris brown. bill dusky olive mandible paler. tarsus dull brown. Length 5 1/2 wing 3 1/4 tail 2 1/8 [[male symbol]] im. stomach contents seeds.

568. Otocoris alpestris practicola. A. Wetmore. Knoop's field, North Freedom, Wis. iris brown. maxilla & tip of mandible dull brown. rest of bill slaty white. tarsus brownish black. Length 7 wing 4 1/4 tail 2 9/16 [[male symbol]] ad. stomach contents seeds.

569. Otocoris alpestris practicola. A. Wetmore. Knoop's field, North Freedom, Wis. iris reddish brown. maxilla and tip of mandible dusky brown. rest of bill slaty white. tarsus brownish black. Length 7 wing 4 3/8 tail 2 7/8 [[male symbol]] ad stomach contents seeds.

This morning after breakfast I went over to the Hemlock Bluffs. A large number of Tree Sparrows were seen in suitable places. Once I saw a flock of Lapland Longspurs fly over high in the air calling and singing. They are the first I have seen in several years and were going east. Crossbills and Evening and Pine Grosbeaks were also seen. A small flock of Pine Siskins flew by me through the trees. They acted as if they were going to light and I did not shoot but they kept right on. I heard several more at the Hunbers.

Two Purple Finches were seen there. I shot one with several queer [[strikethrough]] colored [[/strikethrough]] orange spots on the breast and throat. Chased a Barred Owl along the bluff. Heard a Golden-crowned Kinglet but could not find it.