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yellow. tarsus dusky brown Length 147 wing 74 tail 63  stomach contents
3164. Spizella monticola. A. Wetmore. Hedge south of Laurence, as, iris brown. base of culmen brown. rest of maxilla & tip of mandible dusky. rest of mandible yellow. tarsus dusky brown Length 155 wing 74 tail 66 stomach contents
3165. Spizella monticola. A. Wetmore. Hedge south of Laurence Kas, iris brown. maxilla & tip mandible dusky brown. base of mandible yellow tarsus dusky brown Length 143 wing 69 tail 65 Stomach contents
3166. Spizella monticola A. Wetmore. Hedge south of Laurence, kas, iris brown. base of culmen brown. maxilla & tip of mandible dusky brown. base of andible yellow. tarsus dusky. Lenth 150 wing 76 tail 67  stomach contents
3167. Spizella monticola. A. Wetmore. Hedge south of Laurence, Kas, iris brown. maxilla & tip of mandible dusky brown. base of mandible dull yellow. tarsus dusky Length 145 wing 71 tail 64  stomach contents
3168. Spizella monticola. A. Wetmore. Hedge south of Laurence, Kas, iris brown, base of culmen brown. Maxilla & tip of mandible dusky rest of mandible yellow. tarsus dusky. length 150 wing 68 tail 63  stomach contents
3169. Spizella monticola A. Wetmore. Hedge south of Laurence, Kas, iris brown. base of culmen brown. maxilla & tip of mandible dusky. rest of mandible yellow. tarsus dusky brown Length 146 wing 74 tail 64 stomach contents