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3170. Spizella Monticola. A Westmore. Hedge 
south of Lawrence, Kas, iris brown. maxilla
+ tip of mandible dusky, rest of mandible
 yellow. tarsus dusky brown Length 145 wing 73
tail 62     stomach contents

3171. Spizella Monticola. A Westmore. Hedge
south of Lawrence, Kas, iris brown. maxilla +
tip of mandible dusky, base of mandible
yellow, tarsus dusky Length 151 wing 74 tail 64
stomach contents.

3172. Spizella monticola. A Westmore. Hedge
south of Lawrence, Kas. iris brown. base of
[[?]] brown. maxilla + tip of mandible
dusky brown. rest of mandible yellow.
tarsus dusky brown. Length 154 wing 74
tail 66  stomach contents

3173. Spizella Monticola. A Westmore. Hedge
south of Lawrence, Kas. iris brown. base of
[[?]] brown. maxilla + tip of mandible 
dusky. rest of bill yellow. tarsus dusky brown. 
Length 158 wing 77 tail 70   stomach contents

3174. Passer domesticus. A. Westmore. Dog 
Farm Hedge south of Lawrence, Kas. iris
brown. bill dusky slate paler beneath. tarsus brown Length 155 wing 76 tail 52
stomach contents

3175. Spizella monticola. A. Westmore. Hedge
south of Lawrence, Kas, iris brown base of 
[[?]] brown. rest of maxilla + tip of 
mandible dusky. rest of mandible yellow
tarsus brown. Length 150 wing 76 tail 71
stomach contents

3176. melospiza cineria melodia. A. Westmore
Armstrongs swamp south of Lawrence, Kas. 
iris brown maxilla dusky base of [[?]] 

Transcription Notes:
3174. Passer looks like Rasser but Passer is the correct scientific term, I am giving him the benefit of the doubt. Not correcting his spelling, just saying it is a penmanship issue.