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tail 50 stomach contents
3183. Ammodramus lecontei. A. Wetmore.
Armstrongs marsh south of Lawrence, Kas, iris brown. maxilla brown. mandible paler. tarsus pale buff. Length 120 wing 52 tail 44 stomach contents.
3184. Ammodramus lecontei. A. Wetmore. Armstrong's marsh south of Lawrence. Kas, iris brown. bill brown. tarsus pale buff. Length 126 wing 53 tail 49 stomach contents.
3185. Spizilla monticola. A. Wetmore. Ridge south of Lawrence, Kas, iris brown. base of [[?]] brown. maxilla & tip of mandible dusky. Length 157 wing 78 tail 71 stomach contents.

This afternoon it was clear & cool with a north wind. About four P.M. The wind became stronger and it became decidedly cooler.

The leaves have nearly all fallen now and the thick weeds are brown and dry so that what was a veritable jungle a month ago, can be easily traversed now. The hedges are clear and it is easy to see birds in them. The road I hunt on runs straight south from the University and is little used fortunately for me. Today I met a few Dumkards coming in from the settlement at Pleasant Grove but knew nearly every one else. The Dog Farm Hedge was fairly open today. It was full of Zonotrichia [[?]] and not much else though 

Transcription Notes:
German Baptists commonly known as Dumkards