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I shot one goldfinch and also a Downy Woodpecker which stuck high up in a big maple. The Harris Sparrows- there must have been two or three hundred of them- were singing and calling in chorus as is the habit if so many of the fringillidae and made a please medly. I like to hear one wild ringing note that they give especially.  Saw no [[??]] or [[??]] today. Three Rusty Blackbride were juding[[?]] on the ground with some of the sparrows but left before I got a shot at  them.
 On the sunflowers along the Hoskill swamp were nothing but Tree sparrows but there were Hundreds of them. I shot a few but did not want to load up on them as I will get them off and on all winter. Further on in Armstrongs marsh I shot several thinking they were something else. Here they flew along ahead of me for some distance. A [[??] coming from the opposite direction drove them back into me and for an instant they were swerving all about me and then were gone Heard one sing several times but most of them were rather silent. Shot two [[?]] Sparrows on the wing and saw two or three more but the greater part of them are gone. There were also a few swarm a sparrow around.
Saw one Garter Snake 18 inches long on sunny side of hedge.