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stomach contents
3188. Zonotrichia Querula. A. Westmore. 
Hedge south of Lawrence, Kas, iris brown.
bill dull cinnamon. tarsus brown.
Length 190 wing 88 tail 84  stomach contents
3189. Zonotrichia Querula. A. Westmore.
Hedge south of Lawrence, Kas, iris brown.
bill dull cinnamon. tarsus brown.
Length 180 wing 80 tail 77

3190. Zonotrichia Querula. A. Westmore.
Hedge south of Lawrence, Kas, iris brown
bill dull cinnamon. tarsus brown Length
180 wing 80 tail 77      stomach contents
3191. Zonotrichia Querula. A. Westmore. 
Hedge south of Lawrence, Kas, iris brown.
bill dull cinnamon tip dusky, tarsus 
brown Length 185 wing 90 tail 80
stomach contents
3193. Zonotrichia Querula. A. Westmore 
Hedge south of Lawrence, Kas, iris brown.
bill dull cinnamon. tarsus brown. Length 
175 wing 80 tail 75         stomach contents
3194. Spigelia Mouticola. A. Westmore
Hedge south of Lawrence, Kas, iris brown.
maxilla + tip of monolith black. 
rest of mandible yellow base of [[?]]
brown. tarsus dusky brown. Length 135