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wing 75 tail 64    stomach contents. 

3206. Spizella monticola.  A. [[Wetinor]]. Haskill land south of Laurence, Kas, iris brown maxilla & tip of mandible black base of mandible yellow tarsus dusky Brown length 146 wing 73 tail 67
stomach contents

3207. Spizella monticola A. [[Wetinove]] Haskill land south of Lawrence, Kas. iris brown maxilla & tip of mandible dusky rest yellow tarsus dusky brown.  length 160 wing 73 tail 65   stomach contents

3208. Spizella monticola. A Watimore.  Haskell land south of Laurence, Kas, iris brown.  maxilla & tip of mandible dusky. base of mandible yellow tarsus dusky brown.  length 145 wing 70 tail 63  stomach contents

3209. Spizella morticola A. [[Wahtinor]].  Haskill land south of Laurence, Kas, iris from maxilla & tip mandible black base of mandible yellow tarsus dusky brown length 148 wing 74 tail 65 stomach contents

3210 Spizella monticola A. Watimore Haskill land south of Lawrence, Kas. iris brown base of [[culimen]] brown.  Rest of maxilla & tip of mandible black. rest of mandible yellow. tarsus dusky brown.  Length 145 wing 73 tail 62    stomach contents

3211. Spizella monticola.  A. Watimore Haskill land south of Lawrence, Kas, iris from base of [[culivery]] brown maxilla & tip of mandible back rest of mandible yellow.  tarsus dusky brown. Length 152