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wing 70 tail 66 stomach contents
3212. Spizella monticola. A. Wetmore Haskill land south of Laurence, Kas, iris brown. Maxilla & tip of mandible black. rest of mandible yellow. tarsus dusky brown. Length 153 wing 75 tail 67  stomach contents
3213. Passer domesticus. A. Wetmore Hog Farm Hedge south of Laurence, Kas, iris brown. bill dull flair. tarsus brown. Length 153 wing 72 tail 52 stomach contents
3214. Melospiza inerea melodia. A. Wetmore Haskill land south of Laurence, Kas, iris brown. maxilla dusky base of gonys buff. rest of mandible slate. tarsus brown. Length 160 wing 70 tail 67 stomach contents
3215. Junco hyemalis. A. Wetmore. Wakarusa river south of Laurence, Kas, iris brown. tip of bill dusky. rest pinkish white. tarsus brown Length 15 wing 80 tail 68 stomach contents
3216. Dryobates pubescens medeains. A. Wetmore. Wakarusa river south of Laurence, Kas, iris brown. bill black. tarsus drab slate. Length 160 wing 96 tail 61 stomach contents