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[[strikethrough]] 3306 [[/strikethrough]] 3307. Astragalinus tristis A. Wetmore C.W. Bunker. Washington Creek southwest of Lawrence Kas. iris brown. bill dull olive. base of mandible buffy. tarsus brown Length 127 stomach contents.

[[strikethrough]] 3307 [[/strikethrough]] 3308. Penthestes atricapillus. A. Wetmore. C.W. Bunker. Washington Creek southwest of Lawrence Kas. irs brown. bill black tarsus slate Length 129 stomach contents.

[[strikethrough]] 3308 [[/strikethrough]] 3309. Penthestes atricapillus. A. Wetmore. C.W. Bunker Washington Creek southwest of Lawrence, Kas; iris brown. bill black. tarsus slate. Length 132 stomach contents

[[strikethrough]] 3309 [[/strikethrough]] 3310. Certlkia Jamiliaris americana. A. Wetmore W W Bunker Washington Creek southwest of Lawrence, Kas, iris brown. maxilla + tip of mandible dusky, rest of mandible buff. tarsus brown. Length 125 stomach contents

[[strikethrough]] 3310 [[/strikethrough]] 3311. Regulus satrapa. A Wetmore. C.W. Bunker Washington Creek south west of Lawrence, Kas, iris brown. bill dusky tassus dark brown Length 100 stomach contents

[[strikethrough]] 3331 [[/strikethrough]] 3312. Regulus satrapa. A. Wetmore C.W. Bunker. Washington Creek. South west of Lawrence, Kas, iris brown. bill black. tarsus dark brown Length 100 stomach contents

[[strikethrough]] 3312 [[/strikethrough]] 3313. Regulus satrapa. A. Wetmore C.W. Bunker. Washington Creek. Southwest of Lawrence, Kas, iris brown. bill black. tarsus dark brown Length 101 stomach contents

[[strikethrough]] 3313 [[/strikethrough]] 3314. Regulus satrapa. A. Wetmore C.W. Bunker. Washington Creek. southwest of Lawrence, Kas, iris brown. bill black. tarsus

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