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mile S.E of Lawrence, Kas, June 29, 1907. iris brown. bill & feet black. [[symbol for male]] orig no 512. Catching insects around tree trunks.

3399. Vireo bellii. D. Hanna. Orchard 4 miles S E of Lawrence, Kas. June 29, 1907. iris brown. bill brown. feet slaty blue. [[symbol for male]] orig. no 504.

3400. Spizella pusilla. D. Hanna. Brush 5 miles S. E. of Lawrence, Kas. June 29, 1907. iris brown. bill brown. feet brown. [[symbol for male]] orig no 505.

3401. Coturniculus passerinus savannarum. D. Hanna. Timothy Meadow. 1/2 mile S.E. of Lawrence, Kas. June 21, 1907. iris brown. bill brown geet pale flesh color. [[symbol for female]]. orig no 469.