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3544. Melospiza cinerea melodia. A. Wetmore. Wakarusa bottoms south of Lawrence, Kas. iris brown. maxilla & tip of mandible dusky. base of gonys buff. rest of bill slate. tarsus brown. Length 149 ♀ ad. 

3545. Melospiza cinerea melodia. A. Wetmore. Wakarusa bottoms south of Lawrence, Kas. iris brown. maxilla & tip of mandible dusky. base of gonys buff. rest of mandible slate. tarsus brown. Length 160 ♂ ad. 

3546. Melospiza cinerea melodia. A. Wetmore. Wakarusa bottoms south of Lawrence, Kas. iris brown. maxilla & tip of mandible dusky brown. base of gonys buff. rest of mandible slate. tarsus brown. Length 151 ♀ ad. 

3547. Spizella monticola. A. Wetmore. Wakarusa bottoms south of Lawrence, Kas. iris brown. maxilla & tip of mandible dusky. rest yellow. tarsus dark brown. Length 149 ♂ ad. 

3548. Spizella monticola. A. Wetmore. Wakarusa bottoms south of Lawrence, Kas. iris brown. max & tip of mandible dusky. rest yellow. tarsus brown. Length 160 ♂ ad. 

3549. Penthestes atricapillus. A. Wetmore. Wakarusa bottoms south of Lawrence, Kas. iris brown. bill black. tarsus slate. Length 130 ♀ ad. 

3550. Penthestes atricapillus. A. Wetmore. Wakarusa bottoms south of Lawrence, Kas. iris brown. bill black. tarsus slate. Length 132 ♀ ad. 

3551. Penthestes atricapillus. A. Wetmore. Wakarusa bottoms south of Lawrence, Kas. iris brown. bill black. tarsus slate. Length 140 ♂ ad. 

3552. Narmus hiemalis. A. Wetmore. Wakarusa bottoms south of Lawrence, Kas. iris brown. bill & tarsus brown. Length 103 ♀ ad.