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Proceedings of the Meeting of the Board of Regents
January 24, 1975

[[underline]] Hour of Meeting [[/underline]]

The meeting was called to order by Mr. Webb, Chairman of the Executive Committee, pending the arrival of the Chancellor.  The meeting was held in the Regents' Room in the Smithsonian Institution Building at 4:00 p.m.

[[underline]] Attendance [[/underline]]

Warrant E. Burger, Chancellor
John Paul Austin
John Nicolas Brown
Murray Gell-Mann
Caryl P. Haskins
A. Leon Higgenbotham, Jr.
George H. Mahon
Hugh Scott
James E. Webb
S. Dillon Ripley

The Vice President, Senator Jackson, William A. M. Burden, Robert F. Goheen, and Thomas J. Watson, Jr., were not able to be present.

Also present were Under Secretary Brooks, Assistant Secretaries Blitzer, Challinor, Perrot, Euell; Treasurer Wheeler; General Counsel Powers; Director of Support Activities Ault; and Executive Assistant to the Secretary Dorothy Rosenberg.