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[[underlined]] THOMAS J. WATSON, JR. [[/underlined]]

WATSON, Thomas J., Jr., corp. exec.; b. Dayton, Ohio, Jan. 8, 1914; s. Thomas J. and Jeannette (Kittridge) W.; grad, Brown U., 1937; m. Olive Field Cawley, Dec. 15, 1941; children- Thomas J.III, Jeannette, Olive, Lucinda, Susan, Helen. With Internat. Bus. Machines Corp., 1937-40, 46--, pres., 1952-61, chmn., 1961-71, chmn. exec. com. 1971--. Dir. Bankers Trust, Pan Am. World Airways, Citizen regent Smithsonian Instn.; mem. nat. adv. council Boy Scouts Am. Trustee Brown U., Am. Mus. Natural History, Cal. Inst. Tech., Inst. Advanced Study, Princeton. Served to lt. col. USAF, 1940-45; sr. pilot. Mem. Council Fgn. Relations, Pilgrims of U.S., Royal Yacht Squadron, Psi Upsilon. Episcopalian. Clubs: Cruising of America, N.Y. Yacht, Links, Economic, Explorers (N.Y.C.); Indian Harbor Yacht, Round Hill (Greenwich). Home: Meadowcroft Lane Greenwich CT 06830 Office: Old Orchard Road, Armonk, N.Y. 10504.