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[[underlined]] Minutes of September 24, 1974 Meeting [[/underlined]]

The Executive Committee noted that the minutes of the September 24, 1974 meeting of the Board of Regents had been sent to the members of the Board and having no changes to suggest recommended approval of the minutes.  It was

VOTED, That the Minutes of the September 24, 1974 meeting, as previously circulated, are approved.

[[underlined]] Annual Report of the Secretary for Fiscal Year 1974 [[/underlined]]

It was noted that the Annual Report of the Secretary for Fiscal Year 1974 had been completed and will be transmitted to Congress upon acceptance by the Board of Regents.  The Regents had had an opportunity to review the report in gallery proof.  The Secretary stated that this was the first time that the Government Printing Office had permitted an off-site printing and this resulted in a considerably improved publication.  It was noted also that the contents were also improved through thoughtful writing and editing by the staff, accompanied by interesting photographs.  A motion for approval of the report was offered and it was:

VOTED, That the Board of Regents accepts the Annual Report of the Secretary for the Fiscal Year 1974.

[[underlined]] Financial Reports [[/underlined]]

The Secretary summarized the following financial report which had been considered by the Executive Committee.