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[[circled]] 7 [[/circled]]

[[underlined]] Coscoroba, [[/underlined]] Feb., 1957, II. 

[[image - three vertical gray pencil lines and one hashed line, left to right, down the margin of the main text]]

equivalent of the D on the water. 

The down movement of head & neck is quite definite; but not vigorous, anything like "pounding". Quite variable in form (e.g., if bird is standing on rock, the head & bill may be lower than feet). Neck feathers usually fluffed or ruffled to a greater or lesser extent. Wings may be raised slightly in a trace of MS posture; but this is rare on land in the zoo here now. 

This PAG may be silent or (more frequently) accompanied by HK's of all types. Some of these HK's are as clear and bugle-like as TR and they seem to be nothing more than single TR Notes. 

Transcription Notes:
valent makes sense as extension from page 60 that finishes 'equi-' margin lines are important - see page 1 from the notebook for key Reviewed - Moved 'equi' from previous page to the start of this page.