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2 Atlapetes, I September 21, 1958 Cerro Punta I got another Yellow-throat in the net this morning Again quite silent when handled. Surprisingly enough, mates of this species do not seem to give any sort of vocalization when they join or rejoin one another. Quite unlike the green-backed Sparrows or Yellow-thighed Finches. Atlapetes, I March 3, 1959 Cerro Punta Yellow-throats around now, much as last year. Single or in pairs. In the same edges as the Yellow-thighed Finches Possibly actually following or being followed by the Yellow-thighed Finches—although I can't be sure about this. As usual, the Yellow-throats are quite remarkably silent, on the whole I am not sure that I have even heard one of them utter a single CN yet this trip. I think I have probably heard "song" however. One bird of a pair I disturbed. When I first got a clear view of this bird, it was sitting with a piece of n. m. in its bill, a couple of feet away from its mate. Then, I think it uttered a soft warble, followed immediately by a soft trill, before it hopped toward its mate and dropped the n.m. Later on, I think that the same bird uttered a long series of accelerated notes, quite like the "R Song" of the green-backed Sparrow, but
Transcription Notes:
Ceno is Cerro. Moynihan's 'n' and 'u' and 'rr' can look very similar if not identical in places. @raferrante
Also, the bird is Atlapetes, NOT Altapetes. (Some pages have already been approved with the incorrect spelling.)