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Atlapetes, May 30, 1960 II     30

or almost always kept the "knees" bent, always or almost always sitting on their tarsi. The birds interrupted their
Bowing and Pivoting from time to time, to hop or fly to a new perch, but they always reserved Bowing & Pivoting, with CR, Thf, etc., immediately upon landing again. (I imagine that they even maintained the CR & Thf when hopping or making only very short flights.) Throughout this whole performance, they kept their eyes on us; and one of them would hop to us from time to time in order to get a particularly good look.
The whole performance was obviously homologous with the "intention movement of flight bowing of Yellow-throated Atlapetes (see notes of Mar. 26, 1960, pg. 17) but much more exaggerated and ritualized

[[image]]  Low
[[image]] High

Bowing Postures (both with extreme TV)

Transcription Notes:
[[images: There are 2 pictures of Bowing postures (both with extreme TV). The first bird is Low and the second High.]]