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Atlapetes, Feb. 4, 1962, V.

display. But chase always resumed again shortly.

Leaving 11:15 a.m.

After leaving, I gave instructions to have pink taken out of the cage. Put in a large cage with other species.

Atlapetes, I.
February 5, 1962
Barro Colorado

Arrive in front of green & red cage 6:30 a.m. In blind. Still too dark to see much.

Birds obviously frightened. Clinging to wire on far side of cage. Can they see me? Then start to relax a little 8:40.

One or both uttering occasional ECN-type notes.

Birds not usually together

Interrupted by boy collecting food dishes 6:48.

Both birds still greatly pre-occupied with their bands.

One more or less following the other. Hopping slowly. No display. Looks as if they are more or less friendly. Then both sit. Then one advances toward the other (probably reversing original following role). The other bird retreats immediately. Rather rapidly. And utters 2 long "Greeting" phrases as it does so! Quite definite. This would suggest that "Greetings" may contain an appreciable escape component.

I shall call the "Greeting" phrases "Wbl" from now on.

This turns out to be pink and green in the cage! No wonder that they weren't behaving as expected!!

Take pink out, put red in 7:30 a.m.