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Atlapetes, Feb. 5, 1962, IV

Still continuing 8:30. Green still occasionally supplanting red. Animals still very active all the time. Including red, who continues bowing steadily when not feeding or being supplanted.

Red's bowing seems to be almost or completely unritualized in form.

Animals disturbed when food brought 8:37; but revert to old behavior almost immediately.

Red tends to have tail more fanned than green during bowing.

I hear occasional ECN-type notes during this behavior; but can't tell who is uttering them. I think it is red. As red doesn't seem to be responding "positively" to green, this may be an indication that ECN's are purely hostile.

Green repeatedly supplants red, 8:45. Carrying n.m. in bill. Does brief bowing, sometimes, between supplants; but most supplants follow too rapidly one right after the other to permit this. Frequency of ECNs increases during this chasing. Red seems to give them just as she escapes.

Then birds slow again. Behaving as before.

Then supplanting starts again. This time green not carrying n.m. Then he does pick up n.m. and continues supplanting. Red utters ECN's while escape. Also when bowing between escapes. 8:50. Green does little bowing between supplants while carrying n.m. And the bowing movements he does make are not extreme. Reds plumage is more sleeked (all over) when she bows between supplants than at other times. Interestingly enough, no CR.

Things quieter now 9:00 a.m. Red on perch. No bowing. Green on ground, feeding.

Then green up. Back supplanting red. Again and again