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Atlapetes, Feb. 5, 1962, V.

Both with and without n.m. Still bows vigorously between supplants when not carrying n.m. 9:10.

Twice, when chase is most rapid, [[female symbol]] escapes with ECN's which might be transcribed as "Zeeeeeee aah". Latter part of such notes slightly HAC-like.

Does it again 9:12. Obviously very high intensity. Good evidence that ECN's are hostile.

Green apparently not trying to actually attack red during these chases. But his chases do seem to be getting gradually if irregularly more rapid & violent. Tempo of red's ECN's also increasing

Quiet again. Birds feeding 9:22. Then rest, on ground.

Leaving 9:35 a.m.

Atlapetes, I
April 15, 1962
Cerro Punta

Arrive area where Yellow-throat was hard DCing last year (half way between Cerro Punta and upper pasture) 6:00 a.m. Just beginning to get light.

No DCing today.

Flush a pair of Yellow-throats 6:30 a.m. Fly away silently. Then sit in bush, looking at me, making flight int. movs. Silent. No CR or Thflff. Then disappear.

The Yellow-throat is probably one of the species which DC's comparatively rarely. Like the Yellow-rumped Tanager.