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Atlapetes, Apr. 22, 1962, II.

I think that there is considerable individual variation in the songs of this species. And that the songs of each individual are rather stable. This must facilitate individual recognition.

This bird sings only a few minutes.

Atlapetes, I
May 19, 1962

Working near Nono this morning. Arrive at dawn. Slight rain from time to time.

5:55 a.m. Come across torquatus singing. Single bird. Moving about rather nervously on ground and on very low perches at base of thicket. Song composed of "Ta-seeeeeeeet" and "Seeeeeeeet" Notes. Former more frequent than latter. Apparently uttered in random sequence. Indeterminate series: "Ta-seeeeeeeeet ta-seeeeeeeet seeeeeeeeet ta-seeeeeeeet ta-seeeeeeeet ta-seeeeeeeeeeeeet ta-seeeeet seeeeeeeeet seeeeet ta-seeeeeeet ......" General tone quite reminiscent of Chestnut cap. Thin & high. Definite rattle undertone to notes. Especially in "seeeeeeeet"s (in both monosyllabic and bisyllabic notes). Rhythm of song rather variable. Sometimes pauses between notes quite long. Sometimes shorter than notes themselves.

This song is obviously homologous with both song of Chestnut-cap and DC of Yellow-throat.

This morning I got a few glimpses of the bird actually singing. Usually in any one of a variety of unrit. pre-loc. postures. With CR and Thflff. Bill opening & closing with notes. Sometimes accompanied by Flicking, but no special wing-movements. Possibly