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Atlapetes, May 23, 1962, II  
By 6:04 most of the notes are "Ta-seeeeeeee"s. Some of the "Ta-seeeeee"s very hoarse toward end.  Others less so.
7:15 a.m. See another single torquatus singing. Most notes "Ta-seeeeeee"s or "Ta-seeeeee-ut"s. It is possible that their notes were provoked by my appearance, but I doubt it. At least, the bird continued uttering same notes after it flew some distance away from me. In any case, it did not have CR at any time!
(I also noted that this bird had white on the center of its breast and belly, as well as on its chin. So it is definitely torquatus.)

Atlapetes, I  

May 24, 1962
Working in Novo this morning.
A torquatus begins singing by 5:45 a.m.Long "Sew" whistles (quite as long as ordinary "Seeeeeeeee's). "Whit-sew"s. "Whit seeeeeeee"s and "Seeeeee"s.
This is the same area where I first heard a bird singing this year. And bird seems to be singing from exactly same perch.
7:25 a.m. Come across pair of rufinucha feeding in hedge. Apparently undisturbed by me. Uttering notes absolutely constantly while moving around. Lots of rather soft "Tit"s  or "Trit"s, both singly and in short series. Apparently ordinary "CN"s. Also lots of soft,rather hoarse "Seee" or "Zeee" notes. Two types of notes seem to intergrade. Birds also occasionally utter "Zee-waa"s Usually single. Sometimes 2 or 3 in series. These sounded almost as if they might be intermediate between 
"Tut"s and "Zeee"s. Couldn't see very well what the birds