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Atlapetes, May 24, 1962, II   

were doing with the different types of notes.

Once one of the birds hopped out of the hedge, saw me, uttered one "Trit" Note, much louder & harder than the "Trit"s the birds had been uttering inside the hedge, and then hopped back.

May 25, 1962

Arrive usual place 5:28 am.

Rufinuchas apparently DCing. Mostly "Kee" or "Kew" notes. With an occasional "Keeyoo" or "Keeyooce" interjected. 

Every once in a while a series of short descending notes (also) interjected. "Kew-kew" or "Kuh kuh kuh." 

Once a series of "Kee keeyoo kuh-kuh-kuh" interjected. Almost typical "day song."

Too dark to actually see the birds.

General silence falls 5:38 am. Then a recrudescence of DC, less intense than before. Then silence. Then another slight burst of DC. Then silence again 5:42.

First absolutely typical "day songs," with R, heard 5:45 am.

7:15 am. Hear a brief burst of what is obviously typical torquatus song! But don't actually see the bird.

Working near Nono in the afternoon.

5:00 pm. Come across 1 or 2 rufinucha. Bird was quite silent