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Atlapetes, May 25, 1962, III.

before it saw me.  Then uttered "Tsit"s as usual when I appeared.  Then moved around bend and shut up immediately.  So "Tsit"s may be hostile (SHN's?) after all.

Atlapetes, I

September 18, 1962
Teleférico #1

This mountain seems to be loaded with Atlapetes.  At least three species.
1) Chestnut-capped.  I saw a single bird of this species here, above the station, at 11:15 a.m.  Nervous.  Silent.  CR, Thflff, and many flight int. movs.  Possibly trailing after a mixed flock in trees (flock included Black and White Warbler, some Redstart(s), others.)
2) Unidentified form, no. II on list.  The one that looks like leucoptera near Quito, but is darker below and has black moustache, I have only seen this with mixed flocks.  Always, I think, in pairs.  See notes on Diglossini.  I shall refer to this form as "PL" for the time being.  Scientific name is
3) Unidentified species, no. VI on list.

I first saw this species near Mucurubá and Cacute yesterday in the relatively dry low country.
I shall call this bird "WM" for the time being.  Scientific name is
A single bird was seen in a bush at the edge of a dry cornfield, near Mucurubá, yesterday at 6:10 a.m.  Uttered lots of "Tuck" CN's or SHN's.  Also a few soft, thin, song phrases