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Atlapetes, Sept. 18, 1962, II

More or less comme ça: "Tuck tuck tazeezeezeezeewa"
The main terminal, part of this song was appreciably softer than the CN's or SHN's apart from the song (and probably also softer than the introductory "Tuck"s.
A pair was seen near Cacute later in the morning.  Utters "Tuck"s and nothing more.
This morning I saw single bird of this species in a bush slightly above the station here.  Apparently nervous.  Performed lots of flight int. movs.  Also uttered lots of soft "Seeet" Notes, PN's?  Then flew into another bush some distance away.  Uttered "Ta seee see see srrr" as it landed. "Greeting" song?
Later in the morning I saw another pair a little further up the mountain.  One uttered "Tuck"s.  The other was silent.

Atlapetes, I

September 21,1962
Páramo La Negra 

Came across a presumed family of PL's this morning at 7:00 a.m.  At 9350 ft, in alpine scrub.  Associated with a single Fire-belly [[?Poculothranpis]] for as long as I watched them.  Associated with a single [[?Glos]] and a single Andean Sparrow more briefly.
The PL's hopped about very actively.  Uttering lots of "Tuck"s, hard and relatively high pitched (almost "Tsit"s or "Tick"s).  One or more of them also uttered lots of "song."  Each song very complex.  Beginning with a formless, jumbled, chatter (too loud & hard to be called a Warble.  Followed by R.  This, in